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I have a passion for Art.

My passion runs quite deep for Art and all it's very varied forms. I love 2D and 3D Animation, Illustration and Design with all the ins and outs that go into making them. In creating, I hope to showcase all of the styles I've learned along the way.

HAND DRAWN: Fantasy, Mythology, Japanese Anime, Elfquest and Saturday Morning Cartoons are my first influences. I love all the time, passion and beautiful work that goes into creating them, as well as the various techniques used to make this medium accessible and enjoyable to many cultures.


DIGITAL: Illustration, Comic Books and the Gaming Arts have inspired a need for Digital creativity. Everything from magazines, movies, books to games and even commercials helps to fuel my current passion for creating work digitally. I love seeing the work and progression it takes to developing a character from the absolute beginning to a working playing piece on a console or computer, it's magic to me.


DESIGN: Design and Layout is also included in my passion. How can it not be? The work that goes into expressing an instant in time truly is nothing shore of miraculous. It has been an interesting process to see the impact of poster here, or a logo there, applied in the right place and time.


Why mention this? To show you what drives me, what inspires me and maybe help you to understand, if only a little, where my work is coming from. To give you a glimpse of me.

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